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Eduardo Figari 
Principal Geoscience Advisor

Currently he is Principal Geoscience Advisor coordinating multidisciplinary teams and providing specific support in Regional Geology, Basin Analysis, Basin Ranking, G&G Data Integration, Portfolio Generation, Project Management and Training.


More than 38 years in the Oil & Gas Industry with strong academic and operational background. Long experience working in surface geology, basin analysis, new ventures, exploration, appraisal and development phases. Graduated in 1983 in Geological Sciences, got a Masters in Petroleum Geology (1984) and a PhD in Geological Sciences (2005), specializing in basin analysis. He also received further education in management, negotiation and economics applied to the O&G Industry, covering different levels of responsibility and leading multidisciplinary and multicultural teams in YPF and REPSOL. He is the author and/or co-author in 56 papers and abstracts, and 75 non-published reports, speaker in different conferences and editor of several papers.

Main geographic areas of expertise: Golfo San Jorge and Cañadón Asfalto Basins (Argentina); Madre de Dios, Ucayali, Tumbes Basins (Perú); Beni (Bolivia);  Llanos, Middle Magdalena Valley (Colombia); Oligo­-Miocene Carbonates of Gulf of Venezuela and Colombia; Reggane, Sbaa, Ahnet, Timimoun, Illizi, Berkine, Atlas Belt (Algeria & Tunisia), Boudenib, Tindouf, Hauts Plateaux, and Rharb Basins (Morocco); Murzuq (Libya); Rovuma Basin (Mozambique); East African Rift System; Eastern Mediterranean;  Lofoten; Norwegian and Western Barent Sea (Norway), Porcupine and Goban Spur (Ireland), Algarve,  Peniche and Galicia Basins (Portugal and Spain); several basins in Onshore/Offshore Brazil, Mexico, Western Africa, Saudi Arabia, Oman, India, Australia, SE Asia and regional studies in Unconventional Plays of South and North America , Europe, North Africa, Russia & China.

Hussein Abdallah
Senior Geologist
Sigit Haryono
Senior Geologist

Senior Geologist with extensive experience in North African and Saharan geology, with more than 36 years experience in O&G, essentially E&P. He got his BsC in Geology from Algerian Petroleum Institute in 1981 and worked during 25 years with Sonatrach (Algeria) on a large variety of basins and all type of reservoirs existing in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic sequences in Algeria and neighboring countries. He organized and led a great number of field trips for Sonatrach and almost all foreign companies operating in Algeria, for many regional and mega regional reservoir studies in different parts of the Algerian Sahara, International conferences (AAPG, EAGE), and Schlumberger.

Exploration Manager (2003-2004) with Numhyd (J.V. Sonatrach & ETAP) in Tunis and responsible for several E&P and D&P assets evaluation in different countries around the world. He joined RepsolYPF (Madrid) in 2006 as Sr. Geologist and Team Leader for SW Algeria Exploration Department. He became Repsol Regional Studies Manager (2009-2013) in charge of G&G studies for internal clients. Personal implication in Sedimentology/Stratigraphy parts: Eastern Llanos basin (Colombia), Ucayali South-Madre de Dios basins (Peru), Eastern Mediterranean (Lebanon Offshore), Offshore Peru, Offshore Colombia. Repsol Team Leader for Europe Shale Gas project (GASH Consortium), and Shale Gas potential in North Africa and for Feasibility and Reconnaissance studies for Shale Gas exploration in Morocco.

Exploration Manager (2013-2016) for Morocco (Offshore Tanger-Larache & Gharb permits) & Mauritania (Taoudenni basin). He also led three (3) Reconnaissance Licences for Unconventional (Shale Gas) Onshore Morocco. He ended his career with Repsol in Dec. 2016 in Global New Ventures Group, where he participated to Mexican GOM Hydrocarbon potential evaluation project. He used to lead multi-disciplinary (G&G) and international technical teams in projects related to Basin studies and prospectivity assessment in both conventional and unconventional reservoirs (tight, shale). Good skills for communicating (multilingual) and managing people. 

Senior Geologist with a worldwide range of works in the exploration, development and production oil company, conventional and unconventional resources. Able to work on own initiative and as part of team. Area of expertise range from North-Northwest Africa, Europe, SE Asia and Australia with technically high skill for shale gas, PBE and Risk Analysis for Exploration and Development setting. 

Experience: Geology Specialist for Repsol REPSOL Exploration (Head‐Office, Madrid): working as Conventional-Unconventional expert, as well as Basin Studies, block evaluations (farmout-farmin, new are opportunity) worldwide basin monitor and screening, consultancy and advised to the special requests / studies by Repsol Business units area range from Saudi Arabia, North and NW Africa countries, North America, Europe and Fareast.

Chief Geologist for Repsol YPF Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur with main area of Malay-Sarawak basinsVaries posting in the Development and Exploration as Senior Staff Geologist for REPSOL‐YPF & CNOOC (MAXUS Southeast Sumatra Inc. Jakarta) with main area of Indonesia.As a wellsite mudlogging geologist for CORELAB International. Singapore and several years as an assistant lecture at Gadjahmada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Educational: 1996, Master Degree in Sedimentology from Research School of Geological and Geophysical Sciences, Birkbeck‐UCL, University of London, with project thesis of “Sedimentological and Diagenetic Study of the Westphalian ‐ Barren Red Beds Sandstones of the Upper Carboniferous in the Silver Pit Basin, Southern North Sea, UK”. / 1980, Graduate   Degree   in   Geological   Engineering,  Gadjahmada   University,   Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with the thesis of “Geology and Stratigraphy of Todanan Area, Blora, Central Java, Indonesia “; and with final project script  of “The Middle Miocene Ngrayong Sandstone provenance, Candi-Todanan Section, Rembang Basin, Indonesia”. /1974, Bachelor  Degree  in  Geology,  Gadjahmada  University,  Yogyakarta,  Indonesia,  with project “Geological Mapping of the Bayat Area, Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia “.

Juan Carlos Glorioso
Senior Petrophysycist

Senior Petrophysical Advisor with 40+ years of experience in formation evaluation of wells and fields located in Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago, USA, Canada, Spain, Angola, Argelia, Lybia, Iran, Irak, North Sea, Russia Malaysia, Vietnam and Papua New Guinea. Also, worked in reserves audit processes for statutory reporting. Strong focus in organic shales evaluation during the last 6 years. 

Appointed into several positions, from wellsite Mudlogger through sub-director of Petrophysics and Geomechanics, in YPF, Maxus, and Repsol.

Obtained a degree in Chemistry from Escuela Industrial Superior, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina. Received additional training on log quality control, complex formations evaluation, carbonate petrophysics, capillarity in rocks, applied rock mechanics, coring and core analysis, Russian logs interpretation, organic shales evaluation, reserves estimation and audit, petroleum economy and world fiscal systems.

Edgardo Moreiras
Reservoir Engineer

Chemical Engineer from Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (Argentina)in 1981 and Specialist in Reservoir Engineer from Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1984.

Over 34 years in the Oil & Gas Industry with strong knowledge in well testing, reservoir simulation, waterflooding development projects and geostatistics. He worked as Reservoir Engineer, and Well Testing Specialist in YPF working in multiple developments in Cuyo and Neuquen  basins in Argentina.

In 2004 was transferred to Repsol-YPF,  Madrid, where he worked in different development projects for LibyaFrom 2006 to 2016 was Reservoir Engineer for Business Development in Repsol, Madrid and he participated in different Task Forces for the development of reservoirs in different places like Iran, Kurdistan, Irak, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Mexico, U.S.A, Canada, Malaysia, North Sea, Norway. His experienced cover conventional and unconventional reservoirs,

He was Assistant Professor in Well Testing at Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) and Professor or Reservoir Engineer at Facultad de Ingeniería de Petróleo, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo,  Mendoza. He taught Well testing, Waterflooding and Reservoir Simulation courses at YPF and Repsol for more than 20 years. 


Member of Society of Petroleum Engineers, International Association of Mathematical Geosciences and Society of Core Analysis

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Ana Faggiani
System Analyst &
Data Management

Systems Analyst with over 40 years of work experience in the oil industry (Schlumberger, Occidental Petroleum Corporation ("OXY"), Astra, Repsol and YPF) with solid knowledge and extensive experience in data management.

E&P Upstream Project Manager Specialist in Document Management.

Development and design of the data model, workflow for automation of procedures, administration and maintenance of BD GD for subsoil and surface installations with QA /QC.

Training and supervision of scanning and indexing work teams.

Digitization of historical well files and technical documentation of E&P, and Implementation of an Unique Data Model (MDU) for all areas of YPF.

Jean Gerard
Specialist in Predictive 

Predictive Stratigraphy Specialist, Jean has an unusual combination of geological and geophysical experience acquired during > 35 years spent in Industry bridging sedimentology, ichnology, stratigraphy and seismic interpretation, capable of combining and integrating data at all scales from outcrops and cores to logs to seismic data for both Exploration and Production projects.

•2006-2016: Repsol:  Head of stratigraphy, sedimentology and petrology team - Clastic sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy advisor.

•1989-2006:  Elf-Aquitaine / Total:  Seismic Interpreter in Basin Study Group in Paris (F).  Seismic Stratigrapher in CSTJF Pau (F)  Clastic Sedimentologist - trace fossil analysis and ichnofabric interpretation.  Multidisciplinary Project Leader for basin studies and reservoir studies including many deepwater projects.

•1985-1989: Fina Exploration Norway:  Exploration Geophysicist in Stavanger (N). Block and Prospect evaluation for Licensing Rounds.

•1981-1985: Compagnie Générale de Géophysique (CGG):  Land seismic acquisition in South Yemen and Gabon,  2D land seismic processing.  Seismic stratigraphic modelling and interpretation.

Jean studied Geology at Université de Caen (France).

Roberto Varadé
Senior Exploration Geologist

Exploration Geologist that worked more than 25 years in the exploration of O&G business in different countries. The last 10 years he has worked as Exploration Manager, in offshore, onshore and different geological environments. Ready and experienced to manage all the stages of an exploratory project.


He has trained and increased the degree of responsibility and difficulty to date, within the companies YPF S.A. and Repsol S.A.

He has managed multicultural and multiracial working groups with more than 30 people.

Executive, generalist within the scope of the exploration of O&G, with a wide range of resources for the interpretation, evaluation and decision making.

Specialized with the geological operations and in the analysis, the preparation and execution of exploratory projects.

Marcelo Toselli
Senior Petrophysycist

With 33 years of experience in the oil industry he had developed his career both in Services Oil Company (Schlumberger) and as an independent consultant. He was working in both E&P areas giving the proper support for modelling reservoir characteristics, basin evolutions, reserves estimations, etc.  

Expert in petrophysical analysis performing sedimentary and structural studies of new and old areas based on indirect measurements. Expert in Dipmeter and Images interpretation for sedimentological, paleo environmental and structural studies.
Experience in personnel management, processing and analysis of logging and other service contracts, P & L analysis, institutional, armed, management and budget tracking. Excellent technical background with experience in hydrogeology as Operation Manager.

Main geographic areas of expertise: Argentina: Neuquén basin, Austral basin, Cuyana basin, Claromecó basin, Chacoparanense basin, NW basins (mainly in Salta and Jujuy) and Golfo San Jorge Basin (North and South Flanks, Basin Center and Sub Basins as Rio Mayo and others) Bolivia: Areas Grigotá, Boomerang y Margarita. Bloques Tunari y Securé. Perú: Cuenca de Ucayali, Colombia:  Specifics studies for a joint venture between Repsol-YPF and ENH. Brazil:  Specific support in the static development model of main reservoirs in Albacora Leste Field, Santos Basin.

Horacio Stigliano
Reservoir Engineer

Twenty nine years of demonstrated experience in the O&G industry. He has working as Reservoir Engineer Senior Advisor in Quality Control of E&P worldwide projects and new ventures opportunities in Repsol. Previous that, he has working in ENI where takes experience in field operations and reservoir engineering like field development and surveillance reservoir activities on O&G fields and Underground Gas Storage projects, estimation and accounting reserves and field development studies. He was as Italian Technical Representative in the Committee on Energy of EEC, Consolidated experience in mentoring and training, as well as I am worked in multi-disciplinary integrated teams in a multicultural environment. He holds a Master on Reservoir Engineering by Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (UNBA) (Argentina) in 1989.

Some of the key points are mentioned below:

2007-2017 as Senior Advisor Team Leader of Technical Auditory Group in REPSOL for exploration, exploitation and decommissioning worldwide projects for conventional and unconventional fields. He has performed of Quality Assurance & Quality Check of operation activities for Operated and Non Operated assets. Assessment of the existing subsurface standards and procedures.

2004-2007 Reservoir Manager, Reserves Estimator and JV Representative in ENI Australia

2001-2003 as Reservoir Engineer in ENI Deep Water Projects for GOM and Angolan fields and auditor on onshore and offshore projects in worldwide,

2000-2001 as Reservoir Engineer in Italian Underground Gas Storage Projects 

1990-2000 as Reservoir Engineer in field activities, reservoir studies and pre-feasibilities studies on all reservoir types and fluid types, as well as on re-evaluation of mature oil and gas Italians and Egyptians fields.

Abraham Balaguera
Sr.  Geophysicist
Seismic Reservoir Characterization

 Geophysicist/Geologist with more than 10 years of experience in diverse G&G disciplines including exploration, development and reservoir characterization. Proficient in subsoil data integration and analysis in both reservoirs conventional and unconventional (shale, tight and naturally fractured).  

Graduated in 2011 in Geophysics, got a Masters in Geological Sciences (2016), specializing in quantitative and qualitative seismic characterization of reservoir. Besides, he is the author and/or co-author in 9 papers published in national and international congress.

 he began his career at PDVSA- CHEVRON (Venezuela) as field seismologist in the 2D and 3D seismic acquisition, where he gained experience in designing and processing (PSTM and PSDM) of both surface and borehole seismic. Subsequently, his experience was focalized as geophysicist leader in the development and exploration of oil & gas fields, seismic interpretation and geologic data analysis, 3D geostatistical modeling (conventional and naturally fractured reservoir) and uncertainty analysis.

 He worked in the last years in CAPEX ( Argentina)  where he developed different projects in the discipline of reservoir characterization by AVO and AVAZ analysis, simultaneous inversion of pre‐stack seismic data and post-stack inversion, combining these techniques with seismic attributes and stratigraphy in diverse geological sceneries.

 Main geographic areas of know-how are: Neuquen Basin and Golfo San Jorge (Argentina), The Eastern Venezuela basin and Orinoco Oil Belt (Venezuela); Tampico Misantla basin (México).

Luis Cabanillas
Sr. Geophysicist
Specialist in Non Seismic Methods

Engineer ( University of Rosario, Argentina) and postgraduate degree in Applied Geophysics (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) with more than 40 years of experience in the oil industry. He also was, for more than 30 years, lecturer of Geomagnetism and Gravity and Magnetic Prospection at the University of Buenos Aires.

He began his career at YPF as Party Chief of the land gravity and magnetic  brigade. After that he occupied different positions at YPF and Repsol YPF, retiring from it as Specialist in Non Seimic methods.

After that he began a career as indepent consultant in gravity and magnetics working for Pluspetrol (Argentina and Peru), Gran Tierra (Peru),  Tecpetrol (Argentina) and YPFB (Bolivia).


He has great experience in designing, QCing, processing and interpreting gravity and magnetic surveys.

Alberto Blanco
Specialist in Well Stimulation and Testing
Néstor Sosa Canosa
Specialist in Contracts & Supply Chain

International oil industry Supply Chain Manager with 23 years experience. Industrial Engineer Degree in Universidad de Buenos Aires, Master in Business Administration in Universidad CEMA, Advance Management Program Universidad IAE and a large number of courses in negotiation, supply chain, Quality, and management techniques.

Worked as Procurement and Contracts Manager in Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil and North America (US Gulf, Mexico and Alaska North Slope activities) before being Assigned in Repsol HQ of contracting global drilling services and materials and later in charge of global upstream procurement, contracts and logistics management, including a 140 buyers multicultural team in more than 20 countries. Specially involved in Kurdistan Project.

In charge of successfully implementing SAP MM, Cuba drilling program contracts through USA embargo, West Africa offshore drilling campaign in 4 countries, and cost reduction, quality and stock rightsizing programs. Negotiation expert. Speaker at international Supply Chain Conferences in London, Vienna, Berlin and Barcelona.

Mechanical Engineering Degree from Universidad Nacional de Cordoba (Argentina) and Industrial Engineering Master Degree (Pre-Bologna) from MEC, Madrid, Spain. Author of  several technical papers for Oil Industry related publications.

Independent Consultant with more than 30 years’ experience in O&G Upstream industry.  During the lasts 12 years he performed more than 1500 fracturing operations which support his experience and skills.

Among the companies he worked before there are several of first categories like Schlumberger (more than 18 years); Senior Frac Advisor at PEMEX (5 years); Fracturing Leader at GSA (Groupment Sonatrach-AGIP) in Algeria; Well Testing Operations Head for REPSOL in Algeria; Frac Operations Advisor for Akakus Oil Production in Libya, Completion Engineer for Mexpetrol in Argentina and Fracturing Advisor for KOC in Kuwait.

Skills and Focus in Operations: Hydraulic Fracturing (Conventional and non-conventional like Heavy Oil, Tight  (Gas and Oil, Shaly Sands, STIMPAC, etc). Well Stimulation (Acid + non-acid); Sand Control;  Cementing (Primary + Remedial); Completion and WO; CT Operations; Well Testing + NODAL Analysis

José Bravo Guzmán
Senior Asset Management Advisor
Robin Koemans
Specialist in HSE and Operations Management 

International oil industry manager with 30 years experience. Evolved from technical and commercial work, through large scale complex geophysical operations and IT – line and project – management to global health, safety and environmental (HSE) management.


Achieved contract awards, market entry, profitability in highly competitive markets, new technology introduction and excellent HSE results. Managed revenues and budgets up to 100 MUS$ and headcount exceeding 500 people.

Fluent in Dutch, English and Spanish and proficient in German expertise is in all management areas related to HSE and geophysical operations, both from a Service as well as Oil Company standpoint.

Worked 18 years for Delft Geophysical and Schlumberger and 12 years for Repsol in seven countries across Europe and Africa.

Authored and presented several papers.

He received a BSc in geology from the University of Leiden and an MSc in geology from the University of Utrecht. Recent professional development includes advanced management training from ESADE business school (2016) and executive coaching from the Escuela Europea de Coaching (2017).

For further details:

38 years of extensive experience in oil and gas field operations, leading the implementation of cost efficiency development plans in areas under commercial exploitation in Venezuela, Argentina,  USA and Ecuador.

Academic and labor background oriented to the development and management of oil and gas fields through the integral physical characterization andperformance definition of hydrocarbon reservoirs, estimation and certification of reserves and resources technically and commercially developable.

Elaboration and optimal execution of short and long term development plans based on integrated engineering projects with subsurface & surface investment coherence to maximize return on capital employed.

Senior asset management advisor in oil & gas fields, operated and not operated, to ensure application of corporate best practices and international standards/specifications in asset integrated development management in oil & gas assets located in Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Trinidad & Tobago, Indonesia, Vietnam, USA, Spain and British North Sea.

Mario Grinberg
Reserves Certification

Electromechanical Engineer in Electronics and Specialist in Reservoir Engineer from Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1985. More than 35 years in the Oil & Gas Industry with strong knowledge in reserves evaluation.

Advisor in Reservoir Engineering in YPF and REPSOL, currently in Gondwanaland SL. Technical review of primary, secondary, and tertiary recovery investment projects in conventional and non-conventional targets.


In charge of the training matrix for reservoir engineers, dissemination of the same and survey of training needs. Delivery of internal courses of Reservoir Engineering and Production Forecasting Workshop. Support in chapters (SEC, SPE and SEN)  to participants of the Kimn program (Young Professionals)  and members of the team of Studies of Subsoil and Special Studies. Member of the Reservoir Management team.

Allocation in Total, Paris leading Feasibility studies of implementation of EOR technologies (gas injection, chemical) in several fields  (Aguada Toledo, Bayo Gorge, Pampa  Palauco). Interaction with laboratories of the French Petroleum Institute.Main


Projects: Argentina: Secondary Recovery in Chihuido de la Sierra Negra,  Argentina, Loma La Lata- Sierras Blancas; Algeria, Secondary Recovery in  Zarzaitine; Iran, South Pars; Algeria,  Gassi-Touil,  Argentina, Loma Campana- Vaca Muerta;  Mexico, Sanctuary ; Iraq, Topkhana-Kurdamir; USA-Canada, Shale  Oil and Gas Assessments in the main basins of both countries; Canada, SAGD Assessments

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